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Perfil de Alan Ocampo Lugo

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

My methodology is Thinking-Based Learning

¿What is Thinking-Based Learning?

This is the process of filtration, refinement, and adaptation of techniques for teaching students in ways that improve the quality of their thinking infused into standard content instruction has yielded not only a coherent set of practices that do improve student thinking, but practices that also dramatically enhance th...
My methodology is Thinking-Based Learning

¿What is Thinking-Based Learning?

This is the process of filtration, refinement, and adaptation of techniques for teaching students in ways that improve the quality of their thinking infused into standard content instruction has yielded not only a coherent set of practices that do improve student thinking, but practices that also dramatically enhance their content understanding and learning.

This invites students to make quick, if not impulsive
decisions – decisions that may express their opinions but that may not be
based on careful thinking at all.

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