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To whom it may concern,

English is a complex language of many origins, in my classes you will learn to conjugate, pronounce, spell, listen and speak at a professional level. If you are already proficient and seek to improve, our lessons will be focused in practices to apply correct grammar, speak fluently and deliver a concise message. Although, it takes time to learn any language, it is possibl...
To whom it may concern,

English is a complex language of many origins, in my classes you will learn to conjugate, pronounce, spell, listen and speak at a professional level. If you are already proficient and seek to improve, our lessons will be focused in practices to apply correct grammar, speak fluently and deliver a concise message. Although, it takes time to learn any language, it is possible at any age, we will test your ability to retain information, assess your skill on active listening and design a system for your learning style. My techniques and experience have proven over and over again, that music, reading and practicing a language makes the brain activate muscle memory. Furthermore, should you choose me as your teacher, the promise is, practice what I teach you and pay attention, then you will learn to dominate English.
Zona de Allan
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