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Perfil de Giovanny Granados

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

Live the experience, get the knowledge about the popular culture and visit the most popular and famous places in Mexico city, get historical hidden facts, live visits, slang understanding and fun with a group of Mexican teachers.
Live the experience, get the knowledge about the popular culture and visit the most popular and famous places in Mexico city, get historical hidden facts, live visits, slang understanding and fun with a group of Mexican teachers.

Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Psicologia Aprende más del lenguaje corporal y la Inteligencia emocional Valle de Chalco Solidaridad
Clase Presencial
$25/h Ver anuncio
Clases de Español Learn the Mexican slang and the most popular places to visit in Mexico city Benito Juárez
Clase Presencial
$25/h Ver anuncio
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