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Aprovecha la experiencia de quién tiene más de 35 años enseñando inglés

Descripción del anuncio
M. Ulises Escárcega Prieto (Chihuahua, Mexico, 19**) has been a certified TESOL (English teacher) since 1**3, having been part of Generation 3 of the Foreign Language Teacher Training Course at the former Center for Foreign Language Teaching (CELE, for short) today established as UNAM’s National School of Languages, Linguistics, and Translation (ENALLT, for short).

He almost consecutively obtained a B.A. degree in pedagogy at UNAM’s Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. He recently obtained a TESOL B.A. degree through CENEVAL-SEP, while at the same time completed his training leading to a Master’s degree in communication and educational technologies at the School of Higher Studies in Communication (ESAE, for short) a division of the Latin American Institute of Educational Communication (ILCE, for short).

His professional experience as TESOL has included teaching at basic level education institutions, all the way from kinder garden to primary and secondary level schools; as well as high-school, although he has specialized mostly in teaching adults at university and postgraduate level at institutions of higher education the likes of UNAM, UP, UNITEC, ColMex, and the Navy School of Medicine.

Among the most notorious schools with which he has been involved in his capacity as TESOL-pedagogist, Mr. Escarcega has led the academic area coordinations of such institutions as the Liceo Mexicano de Lenguas Extranjeras, the Programa de Inglés at UNAM’s Facultad de Medicina, the area coordination of the Asignatura de Inglés Médico at the Escuela Médico Naval, the General Coordination of the ILCE English Campus (online) and more recently that of Programa SEPAinglés (ILCE-SEP) and the ILCE-CONAFE Project.

Mr. Escarcega has published about 12 different TESOL-oriented textbooks, aimed at the communicative teaching and learning of English, both privately as well as through public institutions of higher education and private publishing houses. Among such publications, he has delved into the development of a variety of TESOL examination certifications.

The instructor is currently working as an English instructor as part of the ENALLT-UNAM courses and programs faculty and at SEP’s Universidad Abierta y a Distancia; he also participates as external consultant for ELT Services, S.C., sole representative of Trinity College London for Mexico and Latin America.
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