Perfil de Marco Aurelio Moncada

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Sobre mi

I will take on the responsibility that is assigned to me
with maximum effort, perseverance and commitment for the
satisfaction of my customer
Processes acquired and processed according to the
experience obtained in the labor process that I have
acquired, now called ETL.
In the transfer of information from different systems and
different databases, but the functional processing of the
I will take on the responsibility that is assigned to me
with maximum effort, perseverance and commitment for the
satisfaction of my customer
Processes acquired and processed according to the
experience obtained in the labor process that I have
acquired, now called ETL.
In the transfer of information from different systems and
different databases, but the functional processing of the
application, with the corresponding client, with
hierarchical, relational databases.
Migration, backup and implementation on different platforms
and in different facilities, for customer satisfaction in
the event of a dramatic disaster or drp.
Greetings and thanks
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