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Do you enjoy using idiomatic expressions in your daily communications?

Idiomatic expressions are a type of informal language that have a meaning different from the meaning of the words in the expression. Here's an example of an idiomatic expression: Hold your tongue. ... So, while their tongue is ready to do some talking, they "hold" it and don't say anything.
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Yoser Pizarro
Of course!!! That kind of expressions and their meaning give that extra taste to every language and makes each one of them unique. At the beginning, these expressions seem confusing and difficult to understand. But after a while, they come out from your mouth naturally and help you to express yourself in a more casual way. We had lots of idiomatics expressions in Spanish, too.
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I find idiomatic expressions useful to express an idea to the point. That`s why they are common in every day speech.
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Sthefanny Fernández López
Hi, yes, I think is a big part of addapting a new language. In my opinion, when someone uses idioms it shows you are really confortable with the language you are speaking.
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Robert Germano
I avoid them mostly, and when I use them I explain them to the learner. First of all, idiomatic expressions often seem like "sloppy language"; secondly, they are almost always regional and are not readily understood by all speakers of English; and thirdly, they are often age-dependent - that is, sometimes younger speakers will use certain expressions, while older speakers will use others, and they are often not mutually intelligible. So because I wish to be understood, I avoid them whenever possible.
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Certainly! It helps people understand the culture from people around the world.
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Lisandro Brown
Not really, in practical situations you will find yourself surrounded by people from everywhere in the world, so neutral English and a good pronunciation are key to understand and be understood. Cheers.
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Ana Lia Di Gaetano
I enjoy using idiomatic expressions. I feel they show one knows the language very well.
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Carol Giudice
Daily communication ! It's not plural
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Alexandra Soto
Yes,I do :)
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Of Curse,they're ver y useful,and you can learn easily with short and easy words that american or britanic people use everyday
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Camila Barrionuevo
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It is important for you to know that idiomatic expressions are useful un your daily Life but not in academic studies !
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