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What's your name?

Mercedes Moreno Moreno Pulido 8 respuestas
Son preguntas básicas en Inglés, forma parte de la vida cotidiana.
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Cristian Andrés Cupitra Vargas
My name is Cristian. Nice to meet you!
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Cristian Andrés Cupitra Vargas
My name is Cristian. Nice to meet you!
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Marta Pascual Bort
My name is Marta.
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Mercedes Moreno Moreno Pulido
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Mercedes Moreno Moreno Pulido
When you say nice to meet you, that answer happen in situation that the people be shake their hands ir interview between them.
Profesor Pro
Depende. Si dices "nice to meet you" en el noroeste de Inglaterra no vas directo al pilón. Mejor y más cotidiano: Hi, I'm John. Pleasure.
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John Godbe
Profesor Pro
In Anglophone culture, simply asking "What's your name?" is considered *extremely direct* and rude. There are many ways to ask someone's name, depending on the context: [indirect] "I'm Mercedes, and you are ...?" -- [polite] "May I have/ask your name, please?"-- [phone] "May I please ask who's calling?" or "Who can I say is calling, please?" -- [after conversation has started] "Sorry, I didn't catch your name." -- [very formal] "With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? // Who(m) do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" -- [meetings] "Before we get started, it would be appreciated if everyone could please introduce themselves."
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Mercedes Moreno Moreno Pulido
Excuse me is a simple questions about your personal information is not necessary to extend the answer
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¿Cómo te llamas?
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Carlos Abián Fernández Abián Fernández
My name is Carlos.Nice to meet you.
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Karla Garcés Sepúlveda
my name is karla, nice to meet you! <3
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